The Argentines, The Portuguese and the Greeks

Arthur M. Swanstrom, Carey Morgan, 1920


Columbus discovered America in Fourteen ninety-two
Then came the English and the Dutch, the Frenchman and the Jew;
Then came the Swede and the Irishman, who helped the country grow.
Still they keep a coming and now everywhere you go...


1. There's the Argentines, and the Portuguese, the Armenians and the Greeks
One sells you papers, one shines your shoes, another shaves the whiskers off your cheeks
When you ride again in a subway train notice who have all the seats,
And you'll find they are held by the Argentines, and the Portuguese and the Greeks.

2. There's the Ritz Hotel and the Commodore and the Vanderbilt and the rest
All of them are classy up-to-date hotels they boast accommodations of the best
When you ask the clerk for a room in back, he looks at you sarcastically and speaks,
"Why, we're all filled up with the Argentines, and the Portuguese and the Greeks."

3. There's the Oldsmobile, and the Hupmobile, and the Cadillac, and the Ford
They are the motors you and I can own, the kind most anybody can afford.
But the Cunninghams and the Mercedes and the Rolls Royce racing freaks
Ah they all belong to the Argentines, and the Portuguese and the Greeks.

4. There are pretty girls, there are witty girls, there is every kind of a girl.
Some you like a little, some a little more, but none of them will set your heart awhirl.
When you really feel, you've met your ideal, a girl whose smart and chic,
You will find she belongs to an Argentine, or a Portuguese or a Greek.

5. There's the Argentines, and the Portuguese, the Armenians, and the Greeks.
They don't know the language they don't know the law, but they vote in the country of the free.
And a funny thing, when we start to sing "My Country 'tis of thee,"
None of us know the words, but the Argentines, and the Portuguese and the Greeks.

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